Givemegoal and Sanjay Pandit Takes Nepalese Football Team to the Top Peak in Africa

Sanjay Pandit, the ultra runner from Nepal takes Nepali National Football team to the top peak in Africa as he climbs Kilimanjaro mountain range in Africa.

Sanjay Pandit

Sanjay Pandit at the peak of Mt Kilimanjaro

With an aim to take Nepalese football to the height, and Sanjay Pandit jointly worked to take Nepalese Football team to the top of Africa.

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With a message “supporting Nepalese Football team, reach the height”, Sanjay Pandit displays a picture of Nepalese Football team at the top of Kilimanjaro mountain range.

Sanjaya Pandit is a ultra runner who has already covered more than 2100 kms in running. He has already conquered Everest and was one of the few survival among the Mt Manaslu climbers that returned back due to glacier.




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